Stories about Pauline from a few of us whose lives she touched.
Marial Martyn
John Starkweather
Allison Martyn
Roger Rundle
Barbara Pucket
Charlotte Stagner
Cynthia Foley
Deborah Summers Norwood
Doretha Werner Frigon
Eunice Rabe
Harlan and Martha Rundle
Jane Oberg Deyoe
Jane Zacharias
Jan Summers Gibbs
Jenna Booth Carver
Kari Elliott
Kathy McKee Willis Riddel
Laura Friesen Rothstein
Leon B. Mugler
Mae Lindstrom
Marilyn Lind Hubbard
Marilyn Summers Cool
Marnie Hall
Mary McKee Taddiken
Mary Scott Kline
Maxine Neill
Nancy Oberg Schottelkotte
Ned Valentine
Arlene Abel Luchsinger
Sandy Ellis Carlson
Shiela Olsen Martinez
Shorey Berlin
Sue Ann Young
Todd and Koralea Wall Slagle
Vikki Beckner
Virginia Starkweather